Solid Intelligence Legal is not a law firm.


Solid Intelligence Legal is not regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) of England & Wales. It only performs non-reserved legal services, as defined in the Legal Services Act 2007. This means that the firm does not conduct advocacy in court or litigation, nor does it do conveyancing, probate or notarial work or administer oaths.

Even though we seek to provide adequate professional liability insurance to all our clients, any cover provided by the firm may not be on the SRA’s minimum terms and conditions.

We do provide tailored, cost-effective legal advice, document drafting and negotiation services across a broad range of areas of law and utilise professionals who are themselves qualified solicitors (and, therefore, regulated by the SRA). Upon confirmation of an assignment, we provide our clients with a detailed complaints policy and procedures, and information about raising concerns to the Legal Ombudsman and to the SRA.

